Workplace Wellness
A creative life is an amplified life. It's a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.
Elizabeth Gilbert
A talented few do not hold the keys to creativity. Humans are born with an innate desire to express, to make and to communicate. While there may be a final product to show, making art happens from the inside out. Art is our first unbridled expression to communicate from a secret inner world of metaphors and emotions. Art, in all forms, elicits emotional experiences by tapping into where our memories are stored. It literally seizes the part of the brain that helps us know who we are, where we've been and that a potential future exists. Evidence-based research in the fields of psychology and neuroscience supports a shift in how we can widen the creative human experience. Witnessing, engaging and making art are proven to relieve stress and anxiety, boost the feel good hormones, and support emotional growth, leading to a more connected every day life: connected not only with people, but spaces, possessions and especially, nature.
Leaders in organizations must believe that play is a valuable, scholarly and professional form of learning, communicating and transforming individuals and communities. People never out-grow playing; they just forget how. To play, explore and experiment with matter, matters. Play allows people to safely experiment with being brave, taking risks, developing new understandings and perspectives, and the breadth of emotions that go along with being outside a comfort zone. That's where growth lies. There are dozens of memes about that!
Here are a variety of art-making experiences that vary in theme and art technique, time and depth of engagement. Every offering is curated for all levels of art experience in an inclusive, safe and supportive environment. Each class, workshop and retreat invites participants to let go of results, to trust and engage the process, and enjoy mark-making (creating) with a new perspective of what an arts practice can do for personal, as well as collective, mental health and wellbeing.
Paint Night
Gather your staff in an art room, conference space, gym or offsite location for a fun, easy and engaging painting experience. We supply all materials, you just bring the snacks and your inner child. The facilitator will take painters through an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process. Painters will learn about acrylic paint and beginning techniques, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of a creative arts practice.
Paint Night
Gather your staff in a room onsite, or send them home with a Zoom link and art supplies. A supply list with links to order, and a template of the painting along with a photo reference for onsite or in-home painting space set-up is included. The facilitator will take painters through an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process. Painters will learn about acrylic paint and beginning techniques, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of a creative arts practice.
Paint Your Pet
Paint Your Pal
Just like it sounds, participants paint a portrait of their favorite pet or their favorite person. Provide us with a photo of your pet/person and it will get sketched onto a canvas. With options like pop art, cartoon, and others, the facilitator will take painters through an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process for portrait paintings. Painters will learn about acrylic paint and beginner to intermediate painting techniques, as well as the mental and physical benefits to a regular creative arts practice.
Community Art Installation
Gather your staff in a room onsite, or send them home with a Zoom link and art supplies. A supply list with links to order, and a template of the painting along with a photo reference for onsite or in-home painting space set-up is included. The facilitator will take painters through an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process. Painters will learn about acrylic paint and beginning techniques, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of a creative arts practice.
Meditative Art Journey Series
Gather your staff in a room onsite, or send them home with a Zoom link and art supplies. A supply list with links to order, and a template of the painting along with a photo reference for onsite or in-home painting space set-up is included. The facilitator will take painters through an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process. Painters will learn about acrylic paint and beginning techniques, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of a creative arts practice.
Inner Child Magic
Portrait Series
Gather your staff in a room onsite, or send them home with a Zoom link and art supplies. A supply list with links to order, and a template of the painting along with a photo reference for onsite or in-home painting space set-up is included. The facilitator will take painters through an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process. Painters will learn about acrylic paint and beginning techniques, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of a creative arts practice.
Wisdom Keeper
Portrait Series
Gather your staff in a room onsite, or send them home with a Zoom link and art supplies. A supply list with links to order, and a template of the painting along with a photo reference for onsite or in-home painting space set-up is included. The facilitator will take painters through an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process. Painters will learn about acrylic paint and beginning techniques, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of a creative arts practice.
Splatter Paint Tent
Gather your staff in a room onsite, or send them home with a Zoom link and art supplies. A supply list with links to order, and a template of the painting along with a photo reference for onsite or in-home painting space set-up is included. The facilitator will take painters through an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process. Painters will learn about acrylic paint and beginning techniques, as well as the mental and physical health benefits of a creative arts practice.